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Cancer Research UK’s Dryathlon 2014

Here at Killer HQ we’re proud to have delivered a whole load of new and exciting marketing materials for Cancer Research’s Dryathlon 2014, which launches this week.

Following on from the success of last year’s campaign, which saw over £4.2 million raised and 35,000 sign ups, we’ve refined and updated the creative for the new campaign.

After developing the original design concepts and directing the photo shoot, we put together six sheets, digital taxi tops, fundraising packs, social images, e-shot headers and moveable ink emails for the campaign, which will see Dryathletes across the country quitting alcohol for January. Keep your eyes peeled for the TV ads launching soon too.

If you fancy clearing your head, feeling fitter, saving money and raising funds to help beat cancer sooner, join the Killer team and register for Dryathlon by 1st January at Good luck!

Want to find out more about the campaign? Contact us on